As a parent at SJS, there are many ways to get involved. The school could not offer the quality of education, service, and sense of community that it does without parental involvement as volunteers, committee members, and supporters. All jobs are important, so whether you sign up to help a little or a lot - your efforts are needed and appreciated. We realize that families are busy, so SJS has many opportunities to choose from.
How Do I Get Started?
Providing a safe and secure environment for our youth is a priority of the Diocese of Fort Worth and of St. John the Apostle Catholic School. Therefore, all employees and volunteers must complete a Safe Environment Session, which must be completed every 2 years.
You can find information on how to sign up for a training session under the "Current Families" tab at the top of the page "Safe Environment Training".
How Do I Find Volunteer Opportunities?
Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator. She will let you know of upcoming opportunities and find out what you are interested in doing. The school will also email parents with requests for volunteers throughout the year.
How Do I Log My Hours?
You can log them online using RenWeb once logged in:
1. Click on “Family Information”
2. Click on “Family Profile”
3. Click “Service Hours”
4. Click “Add Service Hours”
Fill in the information. Use the drop down menu for description. Be sure to type in the name of the person to verify the hours worked.
What are ESP hours?
The Educational Support Program (ESP) is a fund established to provide a long-term financial base for capital improvements, to ensure high quality education, and to provide future enrichment for St. John the Apostle Catholic School. Each family is required to pay $400 each year or complete 40 ESP hours at a rate of $10.00 per hour.
Are all volunteer hours considered ESP hours?
No, volunteering only counts toward your ESP hours if the work is something the school would have paid for (painting classrooms, loading software on computers, setting up tables for the Auction, etc). If you are unsure whether your volunteer efforts will count as ESP hours, please contact us.
Even if your volunteer efforts do not count towards your ESP hours, it is still important to log your time. Some funders will look more favorably on an organization if it can demonstrate community involvement.